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Join Us

To join the Florida Aero Club print the form below and mail to:
State Treasurer Tom Inglima
2010 N W 114th Ave
Pembroke Pines Fl 33026

(This application to be accompanied by remittance for membership dues.) ANY QUESTIONS CALL: STATE PRESIDENT ANTHONY (TONY) RESTAINO AT 954-558-4914 CELL

SPECIAL NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTORY RATE $20.00The FLORIDA AERO CLUB! The dynamic group you've been hearing about! Florida's largest, fastest growing STATEWIDE Flying organization!
We have ONE purpose--FLYING, FUN & FRIENDSHIP. Pilots socializing with Pilots! The FAC is non-profit, non-commercial and doesn't rent airplanes. It is for Pilots and people who love to fly and talk about airplanes. It is a way to meet others with an interest in aviation in your local area and statewide. A way to explore the many airports both in and near Florida. A chance to learn from and teach each other, where the 'best' places to fly are located. 


FLYING is still the most exciting sport in the world! The FLORIDA AERO CLUB amplifies this! For business or pleasure, the FAC helps you enjoy your plane. We promote safety and are a voice for Florida Pilots &Every member has a vote.

WHO BELONGS? & Students through Airline Pilots to Astronauts and just plain Aviation Enthusiasts Members are from ALL walks of life. In the FAC, EVERYONE IS EQUAL! Some own planes; some rent. We believe that Aviators are the greatest people on earth! FAC is for Husbands , Wives and Singles! 
GREAT FLY-INS...Some are local--then every 3 months there's a jubilant State QUARTERLY Fly-In, where ALL chapters converge--you meet other friendly Pilots from all over Florida! The 'Cruise Director plans Fly-Ins, Pig Roasts, BBQs, Picnics and trips to the Islands!


MONTHLY MEETINGS! Always about FLYING; always interesting! Getting acquainted is easy. Speakers are usually prominent aviation names. And you'll like the FREE PILOT SEMINARS that keep you proficient and up-to-date on procedures. You'll stay informed by Local Chapter and State Newsletters! PILOTS are wonderful and unique people ! In the FLORIDA AERO CLUB you'll meet some GREAT pilots (and maybe some a little less than great) but ALL like the same things you do! ENJOY IT WITH US! JOIN TODAY! You'll be GLAD! And we'll be glad to have you.
Come join us in this Florida adventure  

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